Teen Programs
We welcome all teens at any of our James River Valley Library System locations!
The library is an excellent place to study and hang out with friends. We have books, graphic novels, and video games that any library member may check out.
We also conduct programs for teens. These programs are for all teens, and you don't need a library card to participate!

Passive (Self-Guided) Programs
We know how busy teens are these days between school, work, sports, and other extracurricular activities. We like to provide programs that can be done on our teens’ time schedules, so we have been doing passive—or self-guided—programs. How do these programs work? We provide the materials and instructions for programs such as crafts, and teens can come any time during the regular library hours to complete the craft or other activity. This way teens can come on their own time and stay as long as they want. We have had teens complete the entire craft or activity at the library, and we have also had others start and take the unfinished craft with them to finish at home. Some of the programs that we have offered are Hedgehog Paper Folding, Making Christmas Gifts, Blackout Poetry, Painting Kindness Rocks, Harry Potter Bracelet Weaving, Washer Necklaces, and Making T-Shirt Bags.

Level Up! Teen Summer Reading Program
We started a new Teen Summer Reading Program in 2019 called Level Up! The Level Up! program has several levels, as indicated by the name, and each participant wins a prize for completing each level. All teens who fully complete the program also get their names entered into a grand prize drawing.

Programs for the Future
We are always looking for new ways to provide services and programs to our teens. We hope to continue to find innovative and unique programs for all our teens. Feel free to suggest program ideas to any of our staff members!
Contact the James River Valley Library for more information on any of these programs!