Genealogy & Archives
James River Valley Library System has materials available for genealogy research. Listed below are the materials the library has available and information on how to locate materials that cannot be found in the library.
Birth Records
Birth records can be found at Vital Records Division of ND Health Dept., 600 East Blvd Ave, Bismarck, ND 58505-0200 or at www.vitalnd.com A few birth records are found at the Stutsman County Court House in old registers dating from 1893 to around 1942, located at the County Recorder's office, 511 2nd Ave. SE, Jamestown.
Death Records
We have cemetery books for Stutsman County and surrounding counties. An index to old Stutsman County death registers is available both at the library and at the County Recorder's office located in the Stutsman County Court House, 511 2nd Ave. SE, Jamestown. The actual old registers can be searched at the courthouse. The library owns a copy of the Eddy Funeral Home index, and the Social Security Death Index can be searched on the library's computers. Indexes to ND deaths, marriages, and divorces are available at the State Historical Society of North Dakota, located in Bismarck, North Dakota.
Marriage and Divorce Records
The library has available the Stutsman County First Marriage Index, 1884-1975 and the 2nd index to Stutsman County Marriages, 1975-April 2002. All Stutsman County marriage records are available at the courthouse. A photocopy of the marriage record can be obtained from the Stutsman County Recorder's office for a small fee, a certified copy will cost slightly more. Divorce records are also available, as well as a partial index at the Clerk of Court's office.
Military Information
Official listings of ND veterans from World War I, World War II, Korea, and the Vietnam War are available at the library. Also available are "Stutsman County in the World War", "Special Index for County WWI Vets" and an index of North Dakota Spanish American war vets.
Newspaper Information
An obituary index is available for the Jamestown Alert and Jamestown Sun at the library. Microfilmed copies of newspapers printed in Jamestown, The Jamestown Alert, Jamestown Sun, Stutsman County Record, Stutsman County Democrat, Stutsman County Citizen, and others are on file here. Microfilms of other newspapers can be ordered through Interlibrary Loan. The library owns two microfilm machines for viewing and copying. Obituary indexes for the small village newspapers in Stutsman County are also available, as well as, microfilms of Courtenay, Woodworth, Montpelier, and Streeter newspapers.
The library owns both city and county directories for 1895 to current (with some missing). These contain information of individuals, businesses, addresses, telephone numbers and more.
Location of Rural Lands
These can be found in our Stutsman County Atlases for 1911, 1930 and most since 1954. A few are available for neighboring counties. See also the ND State Atlas for 1884. Copies of deeds can be obtained from the Stutsman County Recorder's office for a small fee.
Local and Family History
Family and local history is available in village, city and county histories that have been printed as a part of local celebrations. Many "Jubilee" books are in the library's North Dakota section. The library owns such Jamestown history books for 1933, 1958 and 1983. Each of these has a more recent Special Index recording all names, photos, etc. A number of church histories are also owned. Books not found here can often be ordered through our Interlibrary Loan service.
Biographical Books
Biographical books for all of North Dakota are owned by the library, ancestral relatives can often be found in these. See such histories as "1900 ND Compendium", and other similar books by Lounsberry, and by Crawford. We also have various Who's Who books and a complete set of the ND Oral History Collection on audiotape. Similar books not owned by the library may be found at the Jamestown College Library or at the Stutsman County Library. Search ODIN for the location of titles not found in our collection.
Census Records
The library owns microfilm of all US and ND censuses for Stutsman County. A number of other counties are also included. The library owns paper indexes to the 1880, 1885, 1900 Stutsman County censuses. The index for the 1885 Dakota Territory census for all of ND, and an index of all Naturalization records are available on the Internet from the NDSU Institute for Regional Studies or from the ND State Historical Society. Scans of all North Dakota US Censuses through 1930 are also posted on the ndgenweb archives page, listed by counties.
Old Telephone Books
The library does not own old telephone books and we are not aware of any available in the area.
Mortuary Records
Local funeral homes keep very good records on clients, some go back as far as 1905. They keep an index and will be able to tell you whether they directed a particular funeral. The library owns a copy of the Eddy Funeral Home index (1905-1960).
Church Records
Some church records list membership, births, marriages and deaths back to the beginning of the church, but many do not.
School Records
Year-end reports and school censuses are open to search through the County Auditor at the courthouse. The library owns indexes of school censuses from 1901-1937.
Land and Probate Records
These are available at the courthouse. All land records since the beginning of the county are available for searching at the Register's office. A probate index is maintained in the Clerk of Court's office.
Old Assessor's Books
Land and personal property assessor's books are extant for a number of early years and are stored in the Stutsman County Auditor's basement vault. They may be searched and copies made.
Cemetery Books
The library has copies of all cemetery books ever published on Stutsman County cemeteries. We also have cemetery books for Eddy, Foster, Kidder, Logan, Wells, McIntosh, Sheridan, Morton, Burleigh, Sioux and Barnes Counties.
Genealogy Websites:
Stutsman County North Dakota Genealogy
The USGenWeb Project
Family Search
Ancestry Library Edition-(May only be accessed from within the library buildings.)
Cyndi's List